
Make your site more metal with heavy-metal band captchas

Make your site more metal with heavy-metal band captchas

Do you consider spambots to be your site’s arch enemy? Do they cause mayhem in your website forms? Do they have you feeling enslaved? Well, you’re in luck – Metal Captcha is here to provide you with heavy-metal security.

Unlike regular captchas, which are generic and boring, Metal Captchas require users to decipher cryptic band logos to gain access to a site.

It’s actually more challenging than it sounds, with some logos being particularly unreadable to anyone who isn’t a metal fan – and really, why would you even want to grant access to those philistines?

Metal Captcha will even mock you when you guess wrong, with responses like «Are you a Belieber?» providing incorrect entries with an appropriate level of shame.

If this kind of thing sounds right up your alley, visit the Metal Captcha website and grab the embed code to add to your site’s headers or forms – nine out of ten children of Bodom recommend it.

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The next Moto 360 may have just popped up

The next Moto 360 may have just popped up

A new filing on the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) website indicates that Motorola has a new Moto 360 smartwatch in the works.

The filed documents only state the product type as a «smartwatch» and refers to tests for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Unfortunately, the filing does come with a confidentiality request from Motorola, so there are no diagrams to give us a glimpse of what it could look like, but we assume it will be the successor to the Moto 360 in both name and looks.

More Moto, please

It is interesting that the filing has been published on the same day that Motorola announced the Moto X Play, Moto X Style and a new Moto G (2015).

But while the published document states that testing was completed on July 22, it also states that it was only submitted today, July 28, as well, so it could be a while yet before Motorola makes an announcement.

There isn’t much else known about a Moto 360 successor, though rumors indicate it will sport a superior 360 x 360 pixel screen, along with ARM v7 CPU architecture inside.

The filing does show, at least, that Motorola hasn’t yet given up on round-faced smartwatches, and it’ll be something to look forward to, hopefully before the end of the year.

  • Here’s 10 things you didn’t know about the current Moto 360

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